July 5, 2024
Birgitta Boeckeler
AI-First Software Delivery Lead @ thoughtworks
Roundtable Host
Introducing AI assistance to engineering teams
The relentless pressure to do more with less isn’t easing up. AI assistance for software delivery promises relief — but what actually works, what is just hype? What is the current state of tooling support, for coding and beyond? What does it mean for people and practices? This roundtable will help engineering leaders understand how to proactively integrate AI tools and cultivate a culture of responsible usage and ensure their organizations remain competitive and well-prepared for a future where AI is deeply embedded in every aspect of software development. We'll also look deeper into some essential questions like:
* What boosts in productivity are realistic and how to measure delivery performance and success?
* What are the pitfalls when introducing AI coding tools?
* What things will NOT change with the introduction of AI tooling?